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If its your first time, nothing really, you start to feel the effects the third or forth time your smoking it

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9mo ago

After smoking marijuana, THC, the active ingredient, quickly enters the bloodstream, reaching the brain and producing psychoactive effects. These effects can include relaxation, euphoria, altered perception of time, increased appetite, and impaired memory and coordination. The duration and intensity of these effects depend on factors such as the potency of the marijuana, the method of consumption, and the individual's tolerance.

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Q: What happens after smoking marijuana?
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Does smoking marijuana thin your blood?

There is no conclusive evidence to suggest that smoking marijuana directly thins your blood. However, smoking marijuana can affect your cardiovascular system in various ways, so it's important to speak with a healthcare provider if you have concerns about its effects on your health.

How do you get marijuana in you body?

Marijuana can be consumed by smoking, vaporizing, ingesting edibles, or using tinctures or topicals. The most common methods are smoking or vaping the dried flowers of the marijuana plant. It is important to understand the legal regulations surrounding marijuana use in your location.

What happens the first time you smoke marijuana?

The effects of smoking marijuana can vary widely from person to person. Common initial effects include relaxation, euphoria, altered perception of time, increased appetite, and possible mild confusion or anxiety. It's important to start with a small dose and in a safe environment if trying marijuana for the first time.

Does smoking marijuana mess with your bones?

Smoking marijuana can affect bone health by decreasing bone density and potentially leading to a higher risk of fractures. Additionally, smoking marijuana can impair coordination and judgement, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries that could impact bones.

What 3 areas is marijuana stored in the body after smoking?

After smoking, marijuana is stored in the body in the fat cells, bloodstream, and organs such as the liver and kidneys. It can be detected in these areas through drug tests.

Related questions

What happens if you get caught smoking marijuana in pa?

nothing happens. nothing happens.

What happens if you are in a room with friends and they are smoking marijuana and you havent been smoking and you get caught?

i believe nothing happens to you since you wernt doing anything? even if you were smoking getting in troouble would be pointless

Does smoking Marijuana deplete Vitamin D in the body?

Smoking marijuana is awesome

What is the percentage of someone dying from smoking marijuana?

You cannot die from smoking marijuana.

Does smoking marijuana cause ED?

no, smoking marijuana actally can help you get an erection easier most of the time

What happens if you smoke marijuana for two?

if by smoking for two you mean that you are pregnant. which is something i probably wouldn't do. but there is no real problems that can be found freom smoking marijuana when your pregnant, and everyone i know who has done that have bright children. so i guess it does no harm.

How long can marijuana be detected in new growth after you quit smoking?

I do believe after one month of smoking marijuana it will clear out of your system but I also believe it depends on how long you were smoking tge marijuana for.

How can you get rid of red eyes after smoking marijuana?

By not smoking it

When did Jake T Austin begin smoking marijuana?

Justin is rumored of smoking weed. He does not smoke marijuana.

Does smoking marijuana make you spit?

Smoking marijuana makes you swallow, happy as high and hungry :'D

How do you get marijuana in your hair?

From smoking it.

How long does it take for a person smoking marijuana to give you cancer?

Smoking marijuana doesn't give you cancer any faster than smoking cigarettes.