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Smoking marijuana doesn't give you cancer any faster than smoking cigarettes.

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Q: How long does it take for a person smoking marijuana to give you cancer?
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Is smoking marijuana bad for a 300lb person?

smoking anything can give you lung cancer statistic say that you lose one year of you life ever time you smoke.

What harm can smoking do?

smoking can give you lung cancer, throat cancer etc. and it can kill youu. x

Does secondhand marijuana smoke cause cancer?

No. If marijuana caused cancer they wouldn't give it to cancer patients to save their lives. Marijuana cures cancer.

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What problems does medical marijuana give you?

In certain states they will prescribe it for glaucoma and if you have certain types of cancer. Due to the cancer treatments, you don't want to eat and smoking pot will give you the munchies. The last contributor is Not 100% accurate: Marijuana will help glaucoma, Alzheimer's, stomach and intestine problems, tremors, seizures, epilepsy, etc. Marijuana has many different chemicals that are released in different ways of consuming (smoking, eating, drinking, ect.) The plant, without these chemicals, would just be what its name is weed. THC is the strongest and most potent of these chemicals, which happens to be what helps cancer. It has nothing to do with "getting the munchies".

Can smoking licorice give you cancer?

lol are you serious... yes it gives you cancer... and aids

What are some cancer diseases that smoking causes?

I don't know but WARNING do NOT smoke it can give you cancer

What are the risks of medical marijuana?

There is no risk. If there was, why would doctors give it to cancer patients?

Does smoking give you vocal disturbance?

Yes, smoking is the main cause of throat cancer. it can cause hoarseness on your voice..

Can you give a person cancer?

No, cancer is not contagious.

What diseases do smokers get?

smoking can give you 3 kinds of diseases: cancer, heart attacks, and strokes.

Can smoking blunts give you cancer?

Yes, smoking blunts can increase the risk of cancer. Blunts are typically made by hollowing out a cigar and filling it with a mixture of tobacco and marijuana. The tobacco in the cigar contains harmful chemicals, including carcinogens, that are known to contribute to cancer development. Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic and can damage the cells in the body, leading to various health issues, including cancer. Carcinogens in tobacco smoke can damage DNA and lead to mutations that may eventually result in cancer. Smoking blunts exposes the body to both the carcinogens from tobacco and the harmful compounds from marijuana smoke. While research on the specific link between smoking blunts and cancer is limited, smoking in any form is known to increase the risk of lung, throat, mouth, and other types of cancers. If you're concerned about your health, it's best to avoid smoking blunts or any form of tobacco. If you choose to use marijuana, consider alternative methods of consumption that don't involve smoking, such as vaporizing or using edibles. It's important to prioritize your health and make informed choices to reduce the risk of cancer and other health problems.