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Q: How do you get marijuana in your hair?
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Does marijuana ever come out of your hair?

if you're talking about a hair strand drug test, my understanding is that marijuana can be detected in the strands of your hair for about a year.

Does marijuana smoke stay in your hair forever?

No, exposure to the smoke of marijuana does not stay in the hair forever, but duration does depend on the frequency and severity of exposure and frequency of washing hair. What does happen though is, if a person smokes marijuana there are traces of it that reaches the follicles and grows into the hair. A hair sample can be taken from the person and tested and can prove that he/she smoked marijuana.

Will marijuana show up in your hair drug test on April 30th if a friend smoked marijuana once around Thanksgiving?

If you did not smoke any marijuana, and you have since washed your hair, you will have no marijuana in or on any of the strains of hair on your head, and it will not show up on any drug tests.

Is there a way to get marijuana out your hair?

If you have chunks of marijuana in your hair, pick it out or comb it out. If you have the smell of marijuana in your hair, use shampoo. If your hair will be used to scientifically test for marijuana useage, and you have used marijuana, cut off your hair. Most likely if you're bald they'll ask for hair from another part of the body. If you're completely bald they might not give you a job. The only thing that can save you is to shave your head and get a wig that looks real and is made from human hair. But that would take a lot of work.

Does marijuana effect your hair from growing?


If you smoke marijuana do you lose your hair?


Does marijuana make lose your hair?


If marijuana smoked around you is it in your hair?

No, you must smoke it for it to be stuck in your hair.

How do you remove marijuana from your hair for hair follicle test?

You can't unfortunately.

How long does marijuana show up in a hair test?

The traces of Marijuana remain until the hair falls out or you cut it off.

Will marijuana use affect the results of hair coloring?

Marijuana use should not directly affect the results of hair coloring. However, marijuana can potentially impact overall hair health, which may indirectly influence how hair absorbs and retains color. It's always best to consult with a hair professional for personalized advice.

Is there anything to get marijuana out of your hair?

Clarify, please.