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Well it depends on your exercise rate, current weight, age, and other more factors. For more information and examples, see the Related Question further down this page.

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Q: How many calories is a person supposed to eat in a day?
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How many calories are you supposed to consume if your twelve?

About 1,800 calories a day.

How much calories does an average person eats a day?

Depends on the person. Our daily intake is supposed to be 2,000 calories a day. But, everyone has different height, weight, age, disabilities, and stress that people tend to take different amount of calories each day.

How many calories are you meant to have per day for a teenager?

Teenagers are supposed to have around 2000 calories and finishing the day under 900 your body registers it as starvation.

How many calories should you eat per day to lose weight if you're 5'2 and 310lbs?

You should probably eat around 1500 calories. For women, we are supposed to consume 2000-2500 calories a day.

How many calories does the average 150 pound person eat each day?

2,000+ calories

How many are you supposed to consume a day?

if it's calories, at least 2000. Be more precise with your questions though.

How many calories are you supposed to eat per day?

It depends on your age and activity level. The "average" amount would be about 2000 calories per day, but teens and athletes my need more.

How many daily calories are needed by a professional sports person?

a runner needs about 3000 calories a day

On average how many daily calories does a person in the UK consume?

1,600 to 2,000 calories a day, on average.

How many calories per day to consume?

It varies from person to person, but the average adult male needs about 3,100 calories per day in order to be healthy, and the average adult female needs about 2,400 calories per day to be healthy.

How many calories per serving are considered high?

Well it matters on how many calories you're supposed to take in a day so if you need 2,000 700 could pretty high calories.

How many calories a human needs to stay fit?

A typical person should consume 2,000 calories a day