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I've noticed If you drink a lot of water it helps reduce the flow but it doesnt affect the length

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Q: How do you reduce heavy flow of your period?
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Is it normal to still have a heavy flow on the fourth day of your period?

OF COURSE. Heavy flow can go on for a while. This is ALL natural! Don't worry, depending how long your period lasts, you could have heavy flow for the whole thing.

How can you make your period lighten up?

If your period is genuinely heavy then you can ask your doctor for Tranexamic Acid - this is taken three times per day for the first three days of your period and can lighten your flow by up to 50%. If not that heavy you can use other NSAID's such as Ibuprofen to reduce flow, these will not be as effective as Tranexamic Acid but will still reduce flow - just be careful not to go over the recommended doseage.Other suggestions to reduce flow....Eat a healthy balanced diet (stay healthy).Take a good multi-vitamin (balance hormones).Try taking Kelp tablets (revitalize the endocrine system).Switch to menstrual cups (can reduce flow compared to tampons).Drink coffee (constricts blood vessels to reduce flow).Take herbal treatments like chaste tree (balance hormones).

What can help a heavy period?

A heavy flow should be dabbed by super jumbo tampons

Why is your period really light?

yah what about it sometimes you have a heavy flow and sometimes you have a light flow

If you don't ovulate will that affect how heavy your flow is during menstruation?

Hello. No not that I know of it shouldn't affect how heavy or light your period flow is. But anything is possible as not every single period is the same. :-)

Are you pregnant if you have a heavy flow?

If you have your period, it's unlikely that you're pregnant, especially if it's heavy

A word for heavy menstrual period?

The medical term to mean a heavy period is Menorragia.Menorragia is when the menstrual flow is over 80ml, although this is still fairly light compared to many people's menstrual flow. If you're leaking through ultra tampons or maxi pads within an hour then talk to your doctor to check everything is okay and get Tranexamic Acid to reduce flow, also consider a menstrual cup which hols more flow and can even lighten your flow too.

What if period is heavy flow of bright red blood?

Then that's normal.

What does having a heavy period mean?

A lot LOT of blood from your period. Not too much but I Jace heavy flows during the middle of my period. A heavy flow is when more blood comes in your period than a normal flow. Don't worry. I have aheavy flow right now.

Will spotting be a heavy flow like your period?

no it will be light pink and not much at a time

Can a women get a bucket of blood from her period?

Perhaps. Some women do have a heavy flow.

Can a heavy flow one month cause a period delay the next month?

Possibly. Or it could lead to a light flow.