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Possibly. Or it could lead to a light flow.

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Q: Can a heavy flow one month cause a period delay the next month?
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What is wrong if you haven't had a period for a month?

If you are sexually active, perhaps you are pregnant? Or it is very possible that stress, changes in diet or activity will cause your period to delay by as much as a month or 2.

1 month and 15 days delay menstruation what does it mean?

The most common cause of a missed period is pregnancy.

What can be taken to delay a period for a month?

becoming pregnant will delay you period for 9 months. Good luck

Will taking seasonic delay my period from coming this month?

yes, you don't have a period for 3 months

Is it bad if you have a heavy period on one month and a light one the next month?

No it is not bad, as some ladies have a heavy period for one month and then a light one or they may have two heavy periods and then one light one also.

Can you delay your period for the month?

If you're on birth control pills you can delay your period by starting a new pack of pills during the 7 day break and continue taking these pills for a full month. But before you do this I would recommend you speak to your Doctor.

What could be the cause of bad cramps and heavy period-like bleeding that's too early to be my period?

First off what do you mean it's too early to be my period? Are you talking about age wise or month wise?

If I stared my sugar pills and it's been 5 days and I still do not have my period does that mean I am pregnant?

Is this your first month on the pills? If so and you had sex, maybe. If this isn't your first month and you took your pills everyday you should be ok. Stress, and other factors will cause a delay in a period starting.

Is it normal to have a period twice a month and bleed heavy and when have a bowel movement you bleed?

is it normal to have a period twice a month and bleed when you had a bowel movement or and bleed heavy and think you pregnant is it because of sex but doing in rectum

Can Anti tetanus injection can delay monthly period?

I doubt it would, but I guess it's possible. If you don't get your period again next month, speak to your doctor

Why do you have a heavy period on the first day only?

Some do have their period heavy the first day because since a month past it is taking everything out it deppens of that persons body

Will taking Diane 35 may delay your period?

I'm also on Diane (protip Brenda-35 is exactly the same and half the price) and if you want to delay or even skip your period just skip the white (placebo) pills and take the next yellow (active) pill in the pack. FYI it's not unhealthy or dangerous for you to skip or delay your period for a month or two.