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is it normal to have a period twice a month and bleed when you had a bowel movement or and bleed heavy and think you pregnant is it because of sex but doing in rectum

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Q: Is it normal to have a period twice a month and bleed heavy and when have a bowel movement you bleed?
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Is it normal to have a 24 inch long bowel movement?

no not to me

What does peristalsing loops of bowel mean?

I think it is the bowel obstructed by a hernia.Peristalsis is a normal movement of the small and large intestine or bowel.

Can slow bowel movement effect your period?

yes it can babes

Is it normal for the dogs penis to come out when he poops?

Yes. Its normal. Its just from pressure of pushing out the bowel movement.

Is it normal to have a bowel movement every time you urinate?

If you need too!

Is it normal to have 8 to 10 bowel movements a day for adults?

I think the more bowel movements a day the better you will feel, as long as the bowel movement isn't diarrhea.

Is it normal to have a bowel movement 18 times a day?

Probably not, but please consult with your physician about such matters.

Why do you bleed after you have diiarrhea?

That's not normal ! Usually a bout of diarrhoea just results in a short period of loose bowel movements. If you're seeing blood in your stools or experiencing rectal bleeding after using the toilet - it NEEDS to be investigated by a medical professional.

What does it mean to bleed bloodclots with a bowel movement?

You need to see a doctor right away. Bleeding from the colon can be harmless or very dangerous, from hemorrhoids to cancer.

How long after food poisoning will it take to have a normal bowel movement?

2 to 3 days after have food poisoning.