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She could be, the only way to know is for her to take a pregnancy test. There are other reasons for a woman to be late though. Stress, change in diet, extreme weight gain or loss, working out a lot more then usual and at least once in a womans cycle life she will be late or miss a month. My sister in law missed 2 months in a row and she wasn't pregnant. Good luck and I hope it works out how you want it to.

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Q: Girlfriends period is 2 days late does that mean she is pregnant?
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I am two days late on my period can i be pregnant?

If you have had unprotected sex, and now you are two days late , then you could very well be pregnant.

Im am 4 days late for my period am i pregnant?

A late period dosent always mean you are pregnant, You could just have a late peroid. But you might want to check.

Can you be pregnant if you got your period two days after sex?

If you have had ur period 2 days after you have had sex then your not pregneant, but if your period is late after haveing sex then you could be pregnant!

What does it mean if im 5 days late for my period?

It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.

How many days can you be late before getting your period and not be pregnant?

You can be up to two weeks late and not be pregnant but to be safe you should take a pregnancy test after you are seven days late.

If your period is two days late could you be pregnant but have no systoms?


Is it bad if your period is ten days late?

u probably are pregnant

Is it possible to be five days late get your period but still be pregnant?


Is it possible for a woman to be pregnant when she sees her period 3 days late?

If your period arrived 3 days late then you are not pregnant. In very, very rare cases some women see some blood spotting throughout a pregnancy which they mistake for a period and do not know they are pregnant but if your period just arrived a few days later than normal then it would seem that you are not pregnant.

Could you be pregnant if your period is 6 days late but comes on the 7th day?

No i don't think so you could not be pregnant if you have your period

If you have late period for three days and you spot dry discharge are you pregnant?

Probably not pregnant. You just had a short period, for whatever reason.

Your period was 3 days late but you started your period are you pregnant?

No, you are not pregnant. Sometimes Periods are just a little irregular, it is normal though.