Light pink discharge is common if you are pregnant.
I am two days shy of 90 days past my LMS. I am also 12w,5d Pregnant. I had brown discharge once on Sunday and Pink discharge once so far Today. Are you pregnant?
Then you're not pregnant...
If you are sexually active, you could be pregnant. See a doctor or free clinic.
A sow is pregnant for "three months, three weeks, and three days", or 115 days total.
No,you might have had a miscarage and yes you can get your period while pregnant
Yes, you could be. Take a pregnancy test
good new is you had your period meaning you are not pregnant.
Its possible. You also could have gotten pregnant right before you period so you should wait a week then take a test.
You might be. If your period doesn't arrive, take a test
Although a woman is most fertile about 14 days after her period starts, she can get pregnant during other times of her cycle.
Yes, I had brownish/oragne/pink discharge around 4 days before my period was due..but period never came and found out that I was pregnant.