It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.
A late period dosent always mean you are pregnant, You could just have a late peroid. But you might want to check.
t ake a test and find out
your pregnant
Yes. Take a pregnancy test
That's a statement, not a question. What are you asking?
It's too late for contraception if your period is already late.
Yes. tht does mean your pregnant take a test!
Yes. When you have only recently (around 18 months) started your period, it will be irregular and you may miss periods some months altogether. This is perfectly normal and doesn't mean you're pregnant or anything's wrong!
I dont give a sh!t because im a boy!
you could be i advise you to tell an adult and try a pregnantcy test
Depends how late it is? if over 2 weeks i recommend you see a Doctor just to be sure