Depends how late it is? if over 2 weeks i recommend you see a Doctor just to be sure
It means you are either having a very light period already, or it is still coming.
Your still a virgin.
yes its normal , if your period is late you can have brown discharge also it happens after periods and it mean its cleaning out your vagina and old blood looks brown.
if u have ur period 3 times a moth u need to go gt check out bt it does NT mean u have some thing
If you are sexually active then you could be pregnant but if not then you could just having a late or irregular period.
If this is unusual for you, see a physician.
A late period dosent always mean you are pregnant, You could just have a late peroid. But you might want to check.
vaginal bleeding does not only tell if you are a virgin or not, it can also mean something more serious.
It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.
It means that you still on your period and it will stop shortly.If it doesnt get medical help.
Depending on how "late" you are...... It may simply mean that your period is late. The body doesn't run like the clock on your wall. If your following period does not start when it should have....... Go see your doctor to get checked out.