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If your period arrived 3 days late then you are not pregnant. In very, very rare cases some women see some blood spotting throughout a pregnancy which they mistake for a period and do not know they are pregnant but if your period just arrived a few days later than normal then it would seem that you are not pregnant.

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Q: Is it possible for a woman to be pregnant when she sees her period 3 days late?
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Can women get pregnant during her period?

Yes, it is possible for a woman to get pregnant on her period. Remember, sperm can live for 3-5 days in the woman.

Is it possible to get pregnant 16 days after menstruation?

Yes, it is definitely in the higher range of days to get pregnant. For a woman to get pregnant, she needs to ovulate (release a mature egg from her ovaries). For most women, ovulation occurs about 14 days after her period. But it can vary from month to month and/or for each woman. So it is possible that 16 days after your period, that you could fall pregnant.

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Roughly 14 days after her last period, although it is possible to get pregnant at any time

Can a woman gets pregnant after menstruation period?

Woman normally gets pregnant on the day 14, if the periods of 28 days duration. On the day 16, if the period are of 30 days duration. That is you get the period after 14 days of ovulation in normal course. That is rare to get pregnancy just after period. But it is possible to get pregnancy just after the period.

Is it possible to be fertile 9 days after your pd?

Answer no it has to be about 14 days Answer A woman can get pregnant anytime after her period. So do not assume you can't. Answer It differs for every woman, so yes, you can be.

How many days a woman is pregnant after period?

u don't get your next period if ur pregnant

Is it possible to get pregnant 18 days after period?

Yes it is possible to be pregnant after your period. In all honesty, as long as you have your period, it is possible for you to get pregnant as getting your period means that your female egg cells are circulating and are at work.

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If a woman gets her period it is unlikely that she is pregnant

Is it possible to become pregnant 2 days before a period?

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Can women get pregnant 7 days before their periods?

Yes! A woman can get pregnant any time she ovulates. The "typical" pattern is 10-14 days prior to her period. However, it is entirely possible to ovulate earlier or later, thus, it would be possible to get pregnant 7 days before a period is due. Especially if she ovulated later than usual that month...

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no no

Can you get pregnant 4-5 days after your period if it lasted 5 days?

yes it is possible to get pregnant 5 days after your period because your new cycle has already started