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Woman normally gets pregnant on the day 14, if the periods of 28 days duration. On the day 16, if the period are of 30 days duration. That is you get the period after 14 days of ovulation in normal course. That is rare to get pregnancy just after period. But it is possible to get pregnancy just after the period.

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Q: Can a woman gets pregnant after menstruation period?
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Are you going to get your period if you have menstruation?

Yes ,A woman gets her menstrual period or MENSTRATION every month... :)

Can a woman get pregnant if she has her period?

If she gets her period, then she isn't pregnant. If you have sex while she is on her period then there is a chance she will get pregnant.

Can a woman gets pregnant 15 days after the end date of her menstruation?

Yes, but it depends on when she ovulates.

Can a woman get her normal period 8 or 9 days after conception?

If a woman gets her period it is unlikely that she is pregnant

What happens to the fetus of a woman who aborts pregnancy and gets pregnant again without waiting for her next menstruation?

There is no special risk from getting pregnant immediately after an abortion.

Can you ovulate befour you get your period?

Yes, ovulation always comes before menstruation. Menstruation is what happens if you ovulate but don't get pregnant, the uterus gets ready for potential pregnancy and if that doesn't happen then it sheds ready for the next cycle.

When should awoman get pregnant before or after menstruation period?

A woman's most fertile window is typically around ovulation, which occurs approximately 12-14 days before the start of her next period. It is generally recommended to aim for conception in the days leading up to ovulation for the highest chances of pregnancy.

Is a woman's period her ovulation?

I looked it up on wikipedia, and they gave me this long definition. I'm going to put it in simple terms. Ovulation is when a woman is on her period, has sex, and gets pregnant.

What do the terms regular and irregular mean with respect to menstruation?

With respect to menstruation, the terms regular and irregular mean the frequency with which a woman gets her period. A regular menstrual cycle is considered to be 28 days long, but for some women it could be 25 to 31 days long and still be regular. Regular menstruation enables a woman to predict when she will next menstruate whereas with an irregular cycle, a woman never knows when her period will start until it does.

What does menstrual mean?

Menstruation means in a women's womb, when an egg is released from the ovaries, if that egg is not fertilised by sperm, the blood wall/lining inside the womb will sheds. This is also known as a women's 'period'. The blood lining is a comfort if the egg is fertilised, it will comfort the fetus/embryo/baby. When a women gets pregnant, her 'period' stops as it is needed. Menstruation can be controlled by using a tampon or sanitary towel.

What do you mean by menstruation?

mensturation is anoter name for period. A girl gets their period about once a month and the first day they get their period is the first day of a girls menstruation cycle or mostly known as a period cycle.

What is olgomenorrhea?

Oligomenorrhea is a condition where in a woman gets infrequent and light menstruation. A woman diagnosed with Oligomenorrhea only gets 4 to 9 periods annually.