If you have had ur period 2 days after you have had sex then your not pregneant, but if your period is late after haveing sex then you could be pregnant!
If you get your period, you are not pregnant.
If you got your period, it is unlikely that you are pregnant
If it was oral sex then you can't be pregnant
Having your period usually means that you aren't pregnant. Most women get pregnant midway betweem their periods.
No you wont be pregnant.
Starting your period two days after intercourse, is the sign that you had ovulated about 10 - 12 days prior to having sex - so you are not pregnant.
Then you're not pregnant...
kso , i know it was stupid , but i had sex with out being on birth control or anything.. and i got my period , so i think it is, but i was reading sometime you do bleed 8 days after you have unprotected sex.. so does this mean i am pregnant ?
If you have sex two days before your period you are more than likely pregnant. Sperm last about three days in a females body. So,I'm pretty sure that you are pregnant because you are also ovulating before and after your period comes on and at the end of the cycle when it goes off
Yes, you can be pregnant, your period stops after pregnancy, if you recently had sex and your period stopped early you probably are pregnant.