If you have sex two days before your period you are more than likely pregnant. Sperm last about three days in a females body. So,I'm pretty sure that you are pregnant because you are also ovulating before and after your period comes on and at the end of the cycle when it goes off
Possible, yes - but the likelihood depends on a number of factors. In a small number of cases, the fallopian tubes over time can develop a small opening. This would allow for pregnancy. If someone desires to become pregnant after having their tubes tied, there are surgical options available - but they are not guaranteed to work in all cases.
if you cajole someone what do you do
A detractor is someone who belittles the worth of something, or someone's effort.
someone may use a shield to protect or cover something
Yes, for instance someone can have a good reputation, while someone else can have a bad reputation.
If you have had sexual intercourse with someone, then you could possibly be pregnant. If not, then you aren't.
14 days after intercourse.
Only if sperm still finds a way to enter the vagina.
yes ou can still get pregnant, birth control is not 100%, no matter how many you take.
see a doctor-Now....if you're afraid to, call a help line....do it now!
If by "hitting" you mean literally hitting, then no. You cannot get pregnant from someone hitting you. If "hitting" is meant as a slang term for sexual intercourse...then via anal penetration, no. Via vaginal penetration, yes, you can get pregnant.
One cannot say how many times after having a physical relationship with someone that it can take to get pregnant. Pregnancy can occur on the first or second try, then again it could take several attempts at sexual intercourse for conception to occur. If you want to get pregnant then having sex around the time that you ovulate will increase your chances of a positive result.
No. Presuming the due date is correct, a woman is pregnant for approximately 9 months. Having intercourse in February and deliverying a baby the next February is 12 months. Not possible he is the father. The father would be someone with whom she had intercourse in May or early June.
It means to rape someone or have sexual intercourse against their will.
No, you cannot get pregnant from sperm alone. In order to become pregnant, the sperm must fertilize an egg. This typically occurs during sexual intercourse when sperm is ejaculated into the vagina and travels through the cervix to fertilize an egg that has been released from the ovary. If an egg is not present, pregnancy cannot occur. Thanks
Assuming you have your period, or else you can not get pregnant, you have to have sexual intercourse with someone old enough to have sperm. 10yo boys rarely do and having sex is illegal for a 10yo. Not to mention it's not safe for a 10yo to be pregnant. Her body is not developed for it. Pregnancy is something that you should wait with until you are at least 18. The risk for complications is much smaller then.
A virgin is someone who has not had sexual intercourse yet.