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Q: Can someone fall be pregnant if they have their period 2 weeks after intercourse?
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Can you find out if you're pregnant after 2 weeks?

Only if you have missed your period. Yes. You can find out you are pregnant two weeks after intercourse exactly or you can go by the date of your next upcoming period.

How far pregnant would you be five weeks after intercourse?

They count pregnancy from your last menstrual period not from when you actually had sex and conceieved. So if its been 5 wks since you had sex and got pregnant but you had your period like a week before that then you'd be 6 weeks pregnant. Or if you started your period 2 weeks before you had sex then you'd be 7 weeks pregnant.

How long before you'll no I'm pregnant?

Either two weeks after successful intercourse or your next expected period.

How many weeks pregnant do you have to be before a hpt will show up pos?

14 days after intercourse or the day of your expected period.

After 8 weeks of intercourse you feal like bomating are you pregnant?

After 8 weeks of intercourse you feal like bomating are you pragnant?

If you get cramps for weeks after your period is that normal?

I'm not entirely sure where you're going with this question, but if you've had a normal period with normal flow since your last intercourse you are not pregnant.

How can you be 6 weeks pregnant when your period came on November 4 2010 and you had intercourse on November 23 2010?

They measure pregnancy weeks by counting from your last period not from when you had sex and actually got pregnant so you can be 6 wks pregnant even tho you only had sex 4 wks ago.

How do you know when youre pregnant when your period is irregular?

You would know if you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test can be taken from two weeks after intercourse and doesn't require you to know when your period should have started.

After intercourse at what time i know i m pregnant?

About 3-4 weeks from your last period if you don't get any in the coming 28 days you are conceived!

Can i find out if I'm pregnant 8 weeks can i do intercourse?

you certainly can!!!!!!!!! :)

Is it possible to be pregnant if you had a period three weeks after intercourse?

Yes. it is possible. A woman can have a few periods or even regular monthly periods during pregnancy.

Is it possible for a doctor to tell your pregnant 2 weeks after intercourse?

Yes he can