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No you wont be pregnant.

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Q: If you get your period 3 days after sex can you still be pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant if you got your period two days after sex?

If you have had ur period 2 days after you have had sex then your not pregneant, but if your period is late after haveing sex then you could be pregnant!

If iam already late for your period and not do to sex and then while i am still waiting for my period i happen to have sex can i still become pregnant?

If you want to be pregnant then have unprotected sex with your husband during your fertile days. Then there is a greater percentage to be pregnant. The other way around is to abstain sex during fertile days especially around 5 days before menstruation and 5 days after it or use a contraceptive method.

What if you had unprotected sex and then got your period two days later Could you still be pregnant?


Your period came 4 days early could you still be pregnant?

If you had a period after you had sex, you're not pregnant. The uterus is shedding its lining, which, if you were pregnant, it would keep to nourish the embryo.

If you have had unpertected sex and you got your period 5 days ealry can you be pregnant?

If you get your period, you are not pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if you got your period 5 days late And you didn't have penetration You're still a virgin and you only had oral sex both ways?

If it was oral sex then you can't be pregnant

Can you start your period two days after sex and be pregnant?

Starting your period two days after intercourse, is the sign that you had ovulated about 10 - 12 days prior to having sex - so you are not pregnant.

What if you get your period three days after sex?

Then you're not pregnant...

If you have unprotected sex 11 days before you were due your period could you get pregnant and then get your period when they were due 11 days after having unprotected sex?

"If you have unprotected sex 11 days before you were due your period could you get pregnant" Yes. because the womb has not bled out yet, and it still open. I don't think you can get pregnant and get your period at the same time, If that happened, the baby died. and you need to see a doctor. Are you under-age? The way to tell if your pregnant, Is if you missed your period, Irregularity does not mean you are having a child.

If you are pregnant how do you know?

You know that you are not pregnant .. if you had sex when you were un-fertile (but there is still a chance) and also .. You come on your period on the normal days you would have the other months

Can you be pregnant if you normally have a period for 7 days and you only had it for 3 days this time?

Yes, you can be pregnant, your period stops after pregnancy, if you recently had sex and your period stopped early you probably are pregnant.

Is it possible if you had unprotected sex three days before your period could you be pregnant you started your period though just wondering if possible since your period was so close when you had sex?

Anytime you have sex, period or no, you can get pregnant.