If you had a period after you had sex, you're not pregnant. The uterus is shedding its lining, which, if you were pregnant, it would keep to nourish the embryo.
It's possible to have a period and still be pregnant
NO, Becausee youdd still have your periodd. If you were Pregnantt You wouldntt havee It[:
You could still be pregnant. Light bleeding is common early in pregnancy. Take a test.
You could have gotten pregnant on your period
Not normally
No. If you still have you period, you cant be pregnant.
No you can't get pregnant.
this means you are no longer pregnant. you were either not pregnant, or you have lost the baby.
If you had unprotected sex you could be pregnant, if you are still concerned take a test.
Yes. It might just be too early. Until your period comes you could still be pregnant. unless its been 3 weeks since you had sex and the test is negative