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Your period occurs once a month.

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3w ago

A menstrual period typically occurs once a month, although the cycle length can vary from woman to woman. Each menstrual cycle lasts around 21 to 35 days, with bleeding usually lasting around 2 to 7 days.

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Who revolves once every month the sun or moon?

My period. -_-

What event happen once every month?

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Once every 11 years.

When do menstruation happen?

It starts between the ages of 10-16. Once you start it you will have it every month for about a week. It is okay if your body skips a month. Hope I helped!(: -13 yer old girl that started her period at 10.(:

How many weeks after a period should you have another one?

You should get you period about once a month, every four weeks or so.

Do you get your period everyday?

No, you don't get your period every day. You get your period roughly once per month, and menstruation lasts for around 5-7 days.

Does your period start the first day of every month?

Not necessarily. The start date of your period can vary based on your individual cycle length, which is typically around 28 days but can vary from person to person. It is not always on the first day of the month. Tracking your menstrual cycle can help you predict when your period will arrive each month.

You are almost 17 and only get your period once a year is there something wrong?

Yes something is wrong. You are suppose to have a normal period every month.

If you have a lot of dischare will you start your period?

discharge has its own mind, it could mean your getting your period and it could not. because once you do get your period it can happen before the period or after or just randomly during the month

How often are you supposed to get your period?

Most women get their period every 28 days (about once a month) and it usually lasts 5 to 7 days

When do girls have there period?

Once a month

What do girls get once a month?

Their period