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Most women get their period every 28 days (about once a month) and it usually lasts 5 to 7 days

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16y ago
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14y ago

about every 28 days (basicilly a month) for most girls it last bout 5-7 days

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Q: How often are you supposed to get your period?
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If you have protected sex the day before you are supposed to have your period and you miss your period can that be sign for pregnancy?

Not really. Often your period can be delayed a day or so by sex. If you haven't had a period in several weeks take a test.

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Do you get your period every 4 weeks?

Most often, no. The supposed "normal" length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days but most women will have shorter or longer cycles.

When does your period supposed to start?

from the age of 7 to 14

How long are you supposed to have bloating before your period?

Two week

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you are not supposed to have a period if you are pregnant.

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It's possible. Stress can cause ovulation to be suppressed, but that would've been two weeks before you were supposed to get your period.

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There are doggie diapers that you can buy and have your dog wear.

Is soreness in the breast supposed to occur before having your period?

This is common.

Is it ok if you have your first period and have it be very very light and short?

Yes your first period is supposed to be a very light one.