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Q: How long are you supposed to have bloating before your period?
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How to get rid of stomach pain before your period?

You can get rid of stomach pain before your period by taking Midol. It's like a kind of aspirin that specializes in period cramps. It even helps with the bloating. If you don't want to take any kind of medication, it will be harder to eliminate all pain, but you could put a hot water bottle over the cramps or go for a brisk long walk.

How long before your period do you gain weight?

i never knew you gained weight before your period......

How long before your period do you get signs of having a period?

Usually you get PMS symptoms about a week before your period is due to start.

How long do your period supposed to last?

Usually anywhere from 3-7 days depending on the person.

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For at least 2 weeks before it falls out. :]

What is the difference between long before and before long?

The former implies the past and a longer period of time than the latter which implies the future for a short period of time. Here are some examples: "Long before" the time of man, dinosaurs ruled the the world. "Before long" I should be able to start college.

How long does bloating last in pregnancy?

I don't think that birth control stops bloating. At least it doesn't work for me. I still blow up like a balloon a few days before my cycle and I have taken birth control pills for about 15 years.

How long your safety period during your menstruation?

10 days before the monthly period

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How long do you have discharge for before you start your period?

You have discharge right after the period that just ended and it lasts