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Their period

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Q: What do girls get once a month?
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When do girls have there period?

Once a month

What are the reasons girls have periods?

Girls have periods as part of their menstrual cycle. When an egg is not fertilized, the egg and uterine lining is expelled from the body once a month which is known as a period.

How is periods occur to a girl?

1 to 2 years after puberty not neciserily for all girls it also happens once a month

Why do girls get periods for like a month straight?

Most girls will have their periods for 3-7 days approximately once a month. However, girls may experience PMS before they get their periods, and this may confuse some people into thinking they have their periods for several weeks. As well, some girls period's may fluctuate wildly for a variety of reasons. Generally anyone this happens to should talk to their doctor about it.

How many periods does a girl have?

Girls have their period once a month for as long as their body needs too. The start it about at 10-13 years old and quit as an adult.

Which animal eat once in a month?

There is no animal that will eat only once per month. No living animal can survive with only eating once per month.

What are some of the effects of smoking weed once a month?

You will have a great time Once a month!!

How often does tasc call the color tan?

They call mint once a month. My color is mint

When is the scouting month in the Philippines?

because september is girls scout month

When do girls produce an egg?

Every month

Is it possible for a 10 year old to have a baby?

No. Girls can only have babies once after they have had their third month of their Period. You once get you Period when you are around 13- 15 years old. It is not possible to have a baby when yo are 10. Keep that in mind. This is very important information especially to the girls that have tried to have babies. Don't do that it is not good for your body.

Does teen vogue come once a month?

Yes issues of the magazine usually come once a month.