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Girls have their period once a month for as long as their body needs too. The start it about at 10-13 years old and quit as an adult.

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Q: How many periods does a girl have?
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How many periods can a girl have?

One! 10-13yrs. If it doesn't starts yet, then visit the doctor!

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Is it possible to get a girl pregnant at the age of 11 to 12?

If the girl has already started her periods then yes.

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How can you find out the dates of periods of a girl?

You can't, you just have to ask her.

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cool is goog...

Can a girl get periods if she drinks sperms?

In oral sex, the proper words are ejaculate and semen. Sperm (which is both the singular and plural for the word) are contained in the semen, or ejaculate. If a girl has already started having periods (menstruating), swallowing the ejaculate from a male does NOT interfere with or have anything to do with having periods. Likewise, a girl who never menstruated cannot have periods brought on by swallowing semen. HOWEVER-- a girl who has not started menstruating is ALSO too young to be having oral sex!