You should get you period about once a month, every four weeks or so.
About 2 weeks after sex, or a couple days after your missed period.
it should be at least 2 to 3 weeks apart if your just getting it . If you got your period before your 12 years old it will maybe 1 to 2 weeks apart.
Your period should las around 5 days to a week. Mine lasted for about 2 weeks and I went to the doctor and I am 12 but he said it was totally normal.
Technically, 10 weeks pregnant.
A fortnight is a period of two weeks.
Yes, if you know when the dates from your last period were. It is counted from the day your period ended up until now and that should tell you the number of weeks and days that you are
After 4 weeks then you should get a definite result of whether you are pregnant or not. It is better if you do it through a blood test.
6 days is nothing. Wait 4 weeks.
You start missing periods as soon as you are pregnant. So if your period was due in two weeks or three weeks from conception - it won't happen.
The gestation period for a cat is usually around 9 weeks =)
Assuming that this period started on a Monday then 77 Sundays.
You can take one right when you miss your period. If it still doesnt come one and its negative wait another week. If its still negative and your period dont start you should contact your doctor.