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You start missing periods as soon as you are pregnant. So if your period was due in two weeks or three weeks from conception - it won't happen.

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Q: When you get pregnant how many weeks does it take for you to miss your first period?
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You are 6 weeks late on your period how many weeks pregnant are you?

Technically, 10 weeks pregnant.

How will you know if how many weeks your pregnant?

Doctors consider the week of your last period to be the first week of pregnancy (even though you aren't even pregnant at that point)!

How many weeks pregnant are you if your period was 3 weeks ago?

You might be 3 weeks pregnant -- even though you only ovulated 1 week ago. It is just how they count pregnancy weeks -- from first day of last period. Generally you ovulate around day 14. You won't actually know if you are pregnany until you miss your next period

How many weeks is a woman pregnant?

40 weeks is a normal period. So almost ten months.

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The gestation period for a cat is usually around 9 weeks =)

How many week are you pregnant?

To know for certain how many weeks pregnant you are, you must visit a doctor. You can estimate how many weeks by knowing when your last period was and counting from there. Some keep track and know when the specific date of conception was.

If you started your period on the 16th of march and had unprotected sex on the 21 of march and you just found out you were pregnant on the 21 of April how many weeks pregnant does this make you?

4 weeks pregnant

Can you start showing at 2 weeks pregnant?

NO. You wont even know if you're 2 weeks pregnant. Most women are already 4-5 weeks along before they miss their period.2 weeks pregnant is actually really 4 weeks since they count from the first day of your last period. So there really is no such thing as 2 weeks pregnant. And many women (especially on 2nd and 3 child) have started to show around 5 to 6 weeks. So the answer could be yes in this situation.

How many weeks pregnant is considered your first trimester?

Roughly 1 to 12 weeks.

How many days after conceiving will you know that you are pregnant?

I was 2 weeks pregnant when I found out. And I was on my period. You can take the test 2 weeks after sex, that is when the pregnancy pretty much starts.

When you find out your pregnant how many weeks do you go back to find out when you got pregnant?

Actually, how many weeks along you are goes by the first day of your last cycle. If you have a perfect 28 day cycle; then you would count back two weeks and that would be around the time you ovulated, if you found out the week of your missed period.

If your hgc level is 150 how many weeks pregnant would that be?

It is hard to say but it may be around 4 weeks..( from your last period)