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After 4 weeks then you should get a definite result of whether you are pregnant or not. It is better if you do it through a blood test.

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Q: How many days after your missed period should you take a pregnancy test?
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Related questions

When pregnancy test should be taken?

A pregnancy test should be taken after your first missed period, however there are a few tests which you can take at least 6 days before your missed period.

Can i do Pregnancy test ten days after of your expected period?

Yes, if you missed your period, you should definitely be able to get a result from a pregnancy test ten days after.

When do you count the days for your missed period?

pregnancy tests will only detectafter 5 days of your missed period

After how many days should you take pregnancy tests after missed period?

after your missed period you can take it at any time. you can take it up to 4 days before even.

Is it to early to take a pregnancy test a 2 days after your missed period?

Yes, you should wait at least Til your missed period.

Is seven days before a missed period to soon to take a pregnancy test?

Taking a pregnancy test seven days before a missed period won't be accurate.

How soon can you take a home pregnancy test after a period is missed?

You should wait fourteen days after intercourse or the day of your expected period.

Can a pregnancy test be positive days after your period?

4 days after a missed period, a serum hCG will be accurate - 7 to 14 days after a missed period the urine hCG will be accurate.

Is 9 days before a missed period to soon to take a pregnancy test?

Yes it is, you should take the test at the earliest which is 5 days before a missed period. 5 days before a missed period? how is she going to know her period is not going to come ahead of time? I would wait until the period doesnot come to take the test or only take it before the period if you believe you are having an unwanted pregnancy.

How soon can you do a home pregnancy test?

Five days after a missed period

How soon can pregnancy be found out?

5 days before your missed period

How early can't you take a pregnancy test?

To get better results you should wait for your missed period. Some people even if they missed their period they do a test and it still becomes negative. It's best to wait a few days later after your missed period and then do the home pregnancy test. If it comes out negative and you still missing your period you should go to your doctor to get the best answer.