Your period should las around 5 days to a week. Mine lasted for about 2 weeks and I went to the doctor and I am 12 but he said it was totally normal.
That depends on the girl but anything from a few days to up to a week.
There are 1826 days if there is only one year that is a leap year during the period. However if the first and last year were leap years, as could happen, then it would be 1827 days.
4days. Kulinat: me too. 4 days. First time it was 2 weeks. it wont stay for 2 weeks but if it does that go see a doctor and it stays for 6 days or less or more
After 4 weeks then you should get a definite result of whether you are pregnant or not. It is better if you do it through a blood test.
A week ought to give you a good result. Some of the tests today say it can detect pregnancy in 2-3 days, but a week is a good measure.
it can do for many women, seven or eight days are not unusual.
it can range from 3 to 7 days depend on the person
Typically a dog's period cycle will last for 21 days.
A month after her last period or around 14 days after she thinks she ovulated or had sex.
A normal period can be 3-7 days long.
The average is 10-14 days after the start of your last period.
That depends on the girl but anything from a few days to up to a week.
depends how many days after your last period and when you had sex last.
If you mean how Many days are there between a girls periods , there are 28
Normal cycles should be 28 days from your last period but many women vary. Its sometimes common to be late due to stress or due to a missed ovulation.
3 to 8 days but i really depends on the woman or child