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No, that's an old wives tale. Each baby is different.

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The baby will be born with Low weight and Premature birth.

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Is smoking weed during pregnancy harmful to the baby's development?

Yes, smoking weed during pregnancy can be harmful to the baby's development. Research has shown that it can lead to low birth weight, premature birth, and developmental issues in the child. It is recommended to avoid using marijuana during pregnancy to protect the health of the baby.

How does weed affect a baby during pregnancy?

Using weed during pregnancy can harm a baby's development. It can lead to low birth weight, premature birth, and potential long-term effects on the baby's brain development and behavior. It is important to avoid using weed during pregnancy to protect the health of the baby.

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The chances of experiencing hyperemesis during a second pregnancy, if it was not present in the first pregnancy, are generally low but not impossible. Each pregnancy is unique, and factors such as genetics, overall health, and lifestyle can influence the likelihood of developing hyperemesis gravidarum. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized information and guidance.

Is smoking pot during early pregnancy harmful to the developing fetus?

Yes, smoking pot during early pregnancy can be harmful to the developing fetus. Research suggests that exposure to marijuana during pregnancy can lead to potential risks for the baby, including low birth weight, developmental delays, and cognitive impairments. It is recommended to avoid using marijuana during pregnancy to protect the health and well-being of the fetus.

Exercises during pregnancy?

Exercise is very important for pregnant women to relieve stress, and build more stamina. You can do mild exercise during pregnancy such as brisk walking, low-impact aerobics, swimming is also a good exercise.

Why do you cry a lot during your pregnancy?

Due to Hormonal changes, the need for love, the need for someone holding your hand, the need to be accepted in that state makes a woman feel low, that is one reason she would cry during pregnancy.

Is marijuana bad for pregnancy and what are the potential risks associated with its use during this time?

Yes, marijuana use during pregnancy can be harmful. Potential risks include low birth weight, developmental delays, and cognitive impairments in the child. It is recommended to avoid using marijuana during pregnancy to protect the health of both the mother and the baby.

Is it safe to consume marijuana during pregnancy?

Consuming marijuana during pregnancy is not recommended as it may have negative effects on the developing fetus. Research suggests that it can lead to low birth weight, developmental issues, and other health problems for the baby. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider for guidance on safe and healthy choices during pregnancy.