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No, that's an old wives tale. Each baby is different.

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The baby will be born with Low weight and Premature birth.

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Exercise is very important for pregnant women to relieve stress, and build more stamina. You can do mild exercise during pregnancy such as brisk walking, low-impact aerobics, swimming is also a good exercise.

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What effect does chocolate have if you eat too much during pregnancy?

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What is a good, toning pregnancy workout?

Some good exercises to participate during pregnancy are brisk walking, swimming, stationary cycling, and low-impact aerobics. All of these activities can be performed until birth, and offer low risk of injury to mother and child.

Why is raspberry considered good during pregnancy? really cool info. They contain a boatload of vitamins and are low in calories. Great antioxidant and great for development of tissues (ie baby)

What could be wrong with you i am 15 days late and you have taken 4 home pregnancy tests and they have all come out negative?

i would get a blood pregnancy test done. maybe your HCG levels are just really low. Could also be a chemical pregnancy