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There is a definite chance that any woman can get pregnant during her periods. Though the chances of pregnancy during periods are low, they exist for all women. The truth is that there is no predictable time during the month when the risk of pregnancy can be said to be absent.

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Q: Is pregnancy possible during period
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How is a period during pregnancy different?

During pregnancy, the period stops.

Is it possible to be pregnant while you on your period?

Having a period (shedding of the uterine lining) and pregnancy are not compatible but some women experience monthly period type spotting during pregnancy.

Is it possible to have a period for 2 days and still be pregnant?

yes, you can actually have a normal period every month during your pregnancy

Since periods during pregnancy ARE possible when would be a good time to take a pregnancy test Would one taken during a period be accurate?

If you're period is normal then its highly unlikely you're pregnant. But you can do a pregnancy test 3 weeks after conception.

Is pregnancy possible a day after period ends?

It is even possible to get pregnant on your period.

Can you be pregnant if you had a period and it did'nt last long as usual?

It is possible to have your period 3 times during your pregnancy. Just because you have your period doesnt mean you are not pregnant.

Would it be possible for normal spotting during pregnancy to be a little heavy - not period heavy - but a small flow?

Yes it is possible if this isn't normal for you.

Are periods during pregnancy hereditary?

It's not possible to have a period during a pregnancy. If you see blood it does not necessarily mean something is wrong. There are many reasons for it and you should ask a doctor to find out why

What are the chances of getting your period while actually being pregnant when you have several pregnancy symptoms?

It is possible to have a period like bleed during early pregnancy. But the bleeding is usually light and never a heavy, normal period bleed.

Is it possible to add a pregnant spouse during the open enroll period for insurance and the pregnancy not be considered preexisting?

== == Probably.