Due to Hormonal changes, the need for love, the need for someone holding your hand, the need to be accepted in that state makes a woman feel low, that is one reason she would cry during pregnancy.
yes that is perfectly normal
Increased sneezing during pregnancy is very common. Mucus increases during pregnancy, not just in your cervix!
Yes, there is a increase in discharge during pregnancy.
That's not unusual a lot of women get horny during their pregnancy
A pill to stop your pregnancy means you had an abortion.It is very normal to bleed a lot during an abortion, this is the pregnancy expelling itself.
Pregnancy is really cool but painful because a baby is the best thing that can happen to you but the problem is they might cry a lot and make your life harder but you will get used to it trust me you'll like it!
Yes, during pregnancy the uterus pushes against the bladder. thus the bladder can't hold as much urine and has to be relieve a lot more often.
eating too much salt and retaining a lot of water.
You need a lot of fluid during pregnancy. being dehydrated is likely the cause of your headaches
There is usually no reason not to have coitus during normal pregnancy. Read the link listed below for a lot of good information.
It's not uncommon, especially in the first trimester.