Yes, during pregnancy the uterus pushes against the bladder. thus the bladder can't hold as much urine and has to be relieve a lot more often.
Not all women do, but a lot do. Pregnancy is different for every woman, and so the symptoms that they experience are also different.
That's not unusual a lot of women get horny during their pregnancy
She might have a change of attitude or personality during pregnancy. Hormones can make this happen. A lot of pregnant women experience this symptom.
Pregnancy is an extremely higher risk for every insurance. This is so, because there maybe a lot of complications during the pregnancy. So it is harder or just impossible for pregnant women to get an insurance.
That's ridiculous! Maybe they think women shouldn't talk a LOT and waste extra energy.
Increased sneezing during pregnancy is very common. Mucus increases during pregnancy, not just in your cervix!
Yes, there is a increase in discharge during pregnancy.
cramps in early stages or any time during pregnancy can mean the body is trying to spontaneously abort the fetus. Nature's way of fixing things that are not supposed to happen. *Cramps during early pregnancy are something that happens to many women. Your body is changing and getting ready for your baby to grow. Many women will experience mild cramps during the first few weeks of pregnancy. In fact, a lot of women think that they are getting ready to start their periods because they feel cramping.
Not a lot of women are pregnant and experience no pregnancy symptoms. But I would say about 2 months into the pregnancy and beyond they should experience pregnancy symptoms and a LOT of women experience symptoms a few days after conception.
They are quite scared at first, and all but Rosalie (who helps Bella A LOT during the pregnancy) want her to have an abortion but she refuses. Then they help and support her during the rest of the pregnancy and delivery.
Only the lucky one's. Just kidding! All pregnancy symptoms are different for each woman. With my first pregnancy, I was never sick, but I had to pee a lot. With my second, I was sick every morning and kept heartburn the entire time. Now, with my third, the thought of eating turns my stomach and I could easily sleep all day every day. So, for each one of us women and for each pregnancy, it is different.