what does it mean you start to have a light pink discharge after your period
Yes, you might be pregnant - take a test
no. spotting is when you have a light shade of pink to red color in blood. it is normal to have dishcharge that really has no color
symptom of pregnancy, but not a sure fact
It probably doesn't mean anything. It may just mean that you noticed the spotting this month. Spotting during ovulation is a sign of a good strong ovulation. If it lasts for more than a day or two or is bleeding rather than light pink or brown spotting, contact your doctor. You might have an issue with progesterone. I would not be concerned, but I would mention it at your next doctor visit. Answer same here but I had clear discharge with a streak of blood in it don't know what it means tho pink princess
Spotting light pink is a charachteristic of being pregnant...you should really go to a clinic and find out, especially if you miss your period four months..or have cramps, tenderness, and light spotting.
what mean when you have light pink blood then few hours latter you have brown discharge
no it will be light pink and not much at a time
Spotting is normal before your period, it's just the start of your period as the uterine lining starts to shed. You can also get spotting after your period, or mid-cycle spotting around the time of ovulation.
You should see a doctor.
Spotting is considered to be pink or brown and just a little drips every couple of hours or so
Hello. No this doesn't mean its a miscarriage hun. Miscarriage bleeding is usually heavy, red and very painful cramping. Its most likely early pregnancy spotting or spotting due to a UTI.