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Yes, it is likely you may be pregnant, missing a period is usually the first sign if you are sexually active. Take a home pregnancy test or go to the doctor.

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Q: Can you be pregnant if you missed two months of period?
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Missed period for almost 2 months now have light spotting for 2 weeks?

If you have missed your period for two months you may be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test to be sure. If you are not pregnant, stress may be the cause of your missed cycle.

You missed almost two months of your period can it be that im pregnant or that you have an STD?

If you have missed your period for two months, you are probably pregnant. You could take a home pregnancy test, but you should see a doctor and if you think you could have an STD, you should see a doctor immediately anyhow.

Your girlfriend missed her period you have not been active in over two months she got her period in December but not yet and is about 13 days past could she be pregnant?

She could absolutly be pregnant!

What if you missed your period for two months than the third month it came?

Than there is a possibility that you are pregnant.. You should go and get tested.

Could you be pregnant if you missed your period two months in a row and had your tubes cut and tied?

yes because you could have gotten pregnant before your Tubaligation. It depends when you had your Tubaligation

What should you do if you are 14 and missed your period the last two months?

first, if you have had sexual intercourse, you very well could be pregnant. if you are very athletic, that could cause missed period. And last, the most common thing is stress. good luck!

Can you start your period being two months pregnant?

Yes you can have your period!

Can you get pregnant two months after a miscarriage and two weeks after your period?

Yes you can get pregnant right after.

What is the cause for you to miss your period for two months?

you may be pregnant!

You had regular period after unprotected intercourse last two months but have missed your period this month does this mean you are pregnant?

If you had a regular period after unprotected sex, you are not pregnant.If you had sex after that period you may be pregnant.If you are unsure you can use a regular pregnancy test available at any pharmacy, they are very accurate if you missed your period already. If you did not miss your period yet, the pregnancy test is less accurate.

I missed my period two months now and when i smell my flavorite food it makes me sick is that sign of pregnancy or p.m.s?

Yes you are probably pregnant. Take a test and go to see your doctor.

What if your stomach hurts you have gas really bad you feel dizzy you belch and you have missed your period for about two months now are you pregnant?

you should get a home pregnancy testing card(cost very low) and check for yourself. in fact this should be done the very first day of the missed period