heroin usually comes in tar form. Mixing it with 2 parts lactose turns it into a powder for snorting, smoking, or just to cut it.
you explode
anything that is water soluable can be mixed with dope.aka heroin.
why would you use vinegar or household cleaners to shoot herion
a toxic mix of cocaine and herion cause him a stroke paralyzed his face and speech
how do you recover from herion
Trevor Herion was born in 1959.
A bun is a bundle of herion ten bags
Frozen Custard contains a mix of cream and egg white instead of just cream, so the amount of lactose will vary, but is generally less then regular ice cream. Some people with lactose intolerance find it is a good alternative, but not everyone.
People who ask questions about herion.
A Herion cause they do crazy things