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I'm not a woman, but I can assume they feel used, how would you feel if you were a woman and used strictly for sex and then dumped?Some women surely seek out one-night stands; I imagine how they feel depends upon how good or bad the sex was.
Men flirts because they wants to be recognized by the opposite sex. Also, feel good about themselves and self-confidence. If the woman approve of his flirting, the second phase is that, he will get your trust to do sex with him.
Yes it should if you were a man and it is called masteurbation and men do it when woman dont want to have sex with them
man + woman + alcohol = good time I believe it's trust and when use both feel that you are ready to have sex
Sex is normally very pleasant, both for the man and for the woman.
you have good long sex
yea it does alot feel so good to a girl
Sex :)
While I am not a woman myself, I understand that women can enjoy sex quite a lot, so it seems logical that they will feel something.
Dpends on how they feel about it afterwards. Was it just sex, probaly feel guilt. Was there more then sex, it could be quite good feeling.
Rough sex. To the man, is always good to get her into four and for woman, a position where she can grind the guy.