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ANR is where a grown adult man suckles a lactating woman for the purposes of sexual satisfaction through infantile regression. He may want related regressive role play experiences such as wanting to be babied, given baby food or milk, be rocked, given a baby pacifier, he may want to sleep in a baby bed, be bathed, diapered and spoon fed or breast fed. As part of acting out the fantasy he may want his face wiped clean and he may cry or drool, may imitate a behavior common to babies to create a mommy baby role play. Props such as bibis and binkies, jars of gerber food, and large size furniture modeled after baby furniture may be used- high chairs booster seats so forth. Female prostitutes with big breasts often get bizarre requests such as ANR involving regression The letters ANR refers to Adult Nursing Relationship. Nursing is an English language euphamism for maternal breast feeding, it doesnt mean Licensed Practical Nurse or Registered Nurse. This experience falls into a category of fantasy, fetish, role play, or kinky lifestyle. It may be classified in some cases as a paraphilia where the person is sexually interested in only the breast or the breast milk and the act of feeding more so than the whole person. An analogy would be foot fetish.

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What does anr stand for in personals?

Adult Nursing Relationship

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ANR means "Adult Nursing Relationship". It's very similar to TCFAB or "Taking candy from a baby".

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Anr = Adult Nurising Relationship Women or Mothers that like to keep lacating have a adult share in the breastfeeding process.

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ABF = Adult Breast Feeding often part of an ANR (Adult Nursing Relationship)

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