

Why Mix drugs and vinegar?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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why would you use vinegar or household cleaners to shoot herion

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Q: Why Mix drugs and vinegar?
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Why does vinegar separate milk?

Vinegar makes milk curdle and the nature of vinegar is to not mix.

What drugs should you or shouldn't mix?

you shouldn't take, try, or mix any drugs.

Why is vinegar involved in model volcanoes?

If you mix vinegar and baking soda it makes an explosion

Will vinegar kill a wasps nest?

Vinegar alone will not kill yellow jackets but if you mix it with other ingredients it will kill them. You will need to mix vinegar with water and liquid dish soap.

Is it a physical or chemical change when you mix cornstarch and vinegar together?

When you mix cornstarch and vinegar together, it is a chemical change. This is because a new substance is formed due to the reaction between the cornstarch and vinegar.

What happens when you mix vinegar and corn starch?

You get a physical change (the corn starch dissolves in the vinegar).

Why does vinegar sit on top of water and not mix in?

The vinegar sit on top of the water because the water is more dense than the vinegar

Does chocolate milk and vinegar mix?

Casein is formed when you mix milk and vinegar,

Exact mix of water and vinigar to get ph4?

To create a solution with a pH of 4 using vinegar, you can mix approximately 1 part vinegar with 10 parts water.

What happens when kool-aid and baking soda are mixed?

Not much will happen if you mix baking soda with water. If you mix it with vinegar something will happen. Vinegar is more acidic.

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When you mix water and vineger does it explode?

no-you get diluted vinegar