be nice not a freak either ur being a weirdo or she's being mean and just doesnt like u. If the second one's the case then just be nice, she'll probably end up liking u in the future
if you are a girl that means that he hates you or he wants to get with you
This will be difficult when she has a boyfriend. But all you can do is change what you do for the reason she hates you. And just be patient and wait til they break up then approach her into being your girlfriend
Unless the girl hates you there really is no way. If you can provide a reason it may help a little but you are pretty stuck with this one.
find out why she hates you. then when you know fix it.
who cares about a girl who hates you. dont waste your time with her. find a girl who can appriciate you.
you consider whether she is really your friend or not, coming from another girl
No, that's just stupid. Even if the girl's hot, the guy still hates her.
Date him, why would you care if the girl hates you, its not her relationship
There has to be a reason the child hates the just have to sit down with that chils and talk about what happened..
give her anal
well first of all if a girl hates you and you like her its pretty obvious that she will like you. because i liked this guy once we hated each other and we actually liked each other.thats what they say that if a girl hates you that actually means they like you now i am not saying that when a girl likes you that does not mean she hates you.