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Unless the girl hates you there really is no way. If you can provide a reason it may help a little but you are pretty stuck with this one.

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Q: How do you ask a girl to break up with out upsetting her?
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I don't think that you should. My friend is going through the same problem. If you ask your best friend out, then it would be very awkward when you two break up. I would suggest that you try and find another girl that you like and get to know her. And, if you did ask her out, you wouldn't want to break her heart when you two break up.

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NO! If that girl is not using you, she may become offended and then break up with you. You'll know if she's using you because she'll brag about you to her friends or she'll always ask for things from you.

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Yes. I'm a girl, and if I were to cheat on my guy, it would be well within reason for him to break up with me. First ask her why she did what she did, if its lack of whatever, maybe ask her if you could try more other wise you two will be over.

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spend time with her and make sure you ask her how she feels about the relatonship and at some point ask her and she might not cause she knows how you think is important and she will like that.

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you tell her that things aren't really working out so you break up then in like a week you ask out the other girl you like

What do you do if a girl likes you but is dating your friend?

If she one day decides to break up with your friend, I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to ask her out.

You like this guy but the only thing is he has a girl friend but they break up every other day Should you make a move the next time they break up?

Answer The first thing I'd ask myself is why do they break up every other day and make sure it's not his doing before you get involved or it could be you who he's breaking up with and not the girl in his life now.