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Could it be that he loves this woman even she isn't his wife? There are some married man who do fall in love with another woman, and the man I married was one of them.

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Q: Why do man keep cheating with same woman?
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What keeps a man from cheating on a woman.......... REVISION What I mean is what is it that keeps the men from cheating who do not cheat......not how to keep a man from cheating who does cheat.?

nothing can really keep a man from cheating unless he wants to get revenge or he is just a gerk

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Yes. Cheating is cheating.

What should you do when a married woman is cheating with another married man?

Mind your own business and keep your mouth shut.

Can a woman cheat on her husband with a woman?

Cheating is cheating . Man or woman or transgendered person in the middle of the proceedings, or natural-born hemaphrodite. I think that covers it.

If a man fingers a woman at work is that cheating?

well, yeah it's the worst kind of cheating

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no. The one you should confront is your man. And if he is cheating it's his loss.

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ANSWER: I'm afraid not, woman are different when it comes to how you can catch your woman cheating, its different from man in general

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Can you divorce if spouse is gay?

Yes. If you can prove he had an affair and had an affair with another man, then you have grounds for divorce just like if the man was cheating with another woman. Unless of course it's a "gay" marriage, then I think that would defeat the purpose don't you. The same above would also apply if the spouse is female and is cheating on the man with another woman.

What does a man do when his not cheating on his wife or galfrend?

Try to keep your relationship working if you wish to do so. And keep on not cheating-nobody likes to be cheated on.

Do a married men thinks that they are not having an affair if all they do is making out without sex?

Opinion: Most men only count sexual intercourse as cheating, so it's very possible they might not believe they are having and affair.Opinion: Many married men, including my husband, don' think and believe that making out, touching each others, exchanging saliva from kissing each other is an affair. To them, feeling the woman through intercourse counts as cheating, but kissing and touching them isn't. In the eyes of God, when a man kisses a woman who is not his wife, he is already committing adultery. When a man takes out a woman who is not his wife, he is already cheating. When a man pursue a woman with everything he got, that is also cheating. Keep in mind, the same goes for girls and cheating by the way. Everything romantic with someone not your spouse is counted as an affair.

What is another word for the man a woman is cheating on her husband for?

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