If you have a friend who is controlling who you date, you need to get rid of your friend.
Date the guy your best friend likes.
Date him.
The best person to date is your best friend.
as long as you show the guy that u like him then its a turn on
It depends, the best thing to do is to see if the guy you both like likes you or your friend more, if he likes your friend more than you, it's best not to try anything, if, however, he likes you more than your friend, you should talk to your friend about it and confess you like that guy, and that he likes you, and ask your friend if he/she would mind you being with him, if your friend minds, than you should consider what to do next and decide if your relationship with that guy is worth to you more than your relationship with your friend.
I think that you should make sure that you and him are still friends, and so when you do date then you can date him.
Because he probably likes you. :-)
only if she likes you back if not then no.
um well if you're a guy and your friend is a girl.....go for it if she's cute! and if your friend is a guy then if he's hott definitely go for it......IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY TAKEN THAT IS IF YOU HAVE TO TURN THEM DOWN AND THINGS GET LIKE WEIRD AND STUFF...JUST GIVE IT TIME
you may like this guy and he may like you but just remember a friend is ALWAYS! more important then a guy or a boyfriend :] with friends hopefully they'll be with you forever and help you through every moment where your upset and down but with boyfriends and guys at this age it will eventually end. and plus if your friend and him break up then ask her if its ok to date him then. ----
Cuz he's into you!!!! <3