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Q: What red things do teenagers get on their face if they don't wash or eat too much sugar?
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What major social problems face American teenagers today?

American's face many of social issues with today's teenagers. The main things that America faces are social violence and cultures.

How to have clear and white skin for male teenagers from face body to toes?

To have clear and white skin for male teenagers from face, body, to toes, you have to seek the advise of a dermatologist lest things go bad.

What are the good and bad things for teenagers?

Good things for teenagers include opportunities for learning and growth, forming meaningful relationships, and developing important life skills. On the other hand, challenges that teenagers may face include peer pressure, academic stress, and navigating their own identity and emotions during a period of significant change and transition.

How do you reduce black spot on face?

Drink alot of water dont eat or drink as much sugar and wash face really good and if that dosent work go to a doctor!

What causes hole in a teenagers face with acne?


When does severe acne burn out?

just dont eat too much sugar and use a face wash and it'll go away soon

What is the number one thing teenagers have to face?

peer pressure (:

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black and white differencs, the ways people do and dont do things, the way things run, slavery

How long are teenagers on thee phone for a day?

your face 3 hours about

How you can face if some bad things happened in your life?

ofcourse, all of us experience something bad. but we can face it. and from that experience. dont lose the lesson. and that makes you stronger person. :)

What was the first animal to have a face?

What animals dont have a face.

What are some of the effects that teenagers are facing when they consume lots of soda?

Teenagers who consume excessive amounts of soda may face negative effects such as weight gain due to the high sugar content, increased risk of tooth decay from the acidity and sugar in soda, and potential disruption of their appetite leading to poor dietary choices. Additionally, high soda consumption can contribute to a higher intake of empty calories and a decreased intake of essential nutrients needed for growth and development.