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 Occipital Lobe of the cerebral hemisphere is located in the back of the head and controls vision.

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13y ago

The Occipital lobe.

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Q: Which part of the brain control vision?
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Does the left side of your brain control your vision?

No, both hemispheres of the brain, left and right, control vision. The occipital lobe is located at the back of the brain.

The organs that controls the bodys vistion are-?

The eyes are the organs that control the body's vision. They receive light and images, which are then processed by the brain to create the sense of sight.

What part of the brain controls vision?

The Occipital Lobe

How do brain tummars affect the sight?

brain tumors affect whatever part of the brain they are in. If they are in the occipital lobe (the part of the brain that processes vision) they will affect the vision in multiple ways depending on where in the occipital lobe they are. I have heard of blindness, inability to see color (black and white vision), and many other peculiarities in vision due to tumors in the occipital lobe.

What part of the brain connects the brain and the eyes?

The optic nerves connect the brain and eyes.

When a stroke affects your vision which part of the brain is involved?

The lobes in the back of the brain called the occipital lobes.

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Breathing is controlled by the brainstem, which is located at the base of the brain and is responsible for regulating involuntary functions such as breathing. There is no specific side of the brain that exclusively controls breathing.

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the part that control your feelings are your amygdala

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