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Site location is where the job is. If you deliver material to a construction site - that is site location ..................

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Q: What you mean by site location?
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What does site mean in contract?

Often a contract will specify the location of obligations or site of services. These may even be in a site list attached to the agreement.

What does loc mean?

the rootword loc means place or site. Examples: location, locate, and local

What homophone means location?

The homophone that means location is "site" and "sight."

What is the fifference between site location and site selection?

Site location is simply the address or coordinates of where the 'site' or even is going to take place. Site selection is the process of selecting the location or the building or event that is going to take place.

What is a Site?

A site is a location, an archaelogical site is a location where evidence of human activity in ancient times has been found, such as the remains of a village or burial mound.

Site of a brief war between Argentina and great Britain?

if you mean location it was at the Falkland islands or las malvinas if your a argie

What is the homophone for location?

The homophone for "location" is "locaution."

What does site mean?

In geographical terms a site is the actual land on which something is built. For example hilly, fertile soils, rocky, etc. The situation is the area around the place. For example lots of buildings nearby, near a river, near a forest on the eastern side, etc.

What is the difference between location and site?

The SITE location plan is where the ENTIRE SITE is located on the map. Sometimes a worksite comprises of multiple buildings and public infrastructures, so the embodiment of all these structures as a whole is considered the WORKSITE. The building location plan is where a specific building is located IN THE WORKSITE. If the Site only comprises of ONE building then, the site location plan and building location plan should look about the same.

Which homophone means location site cite or sight?

The homophone that means location is "site." "Cite" means to quote or refer to a source, and "sight" refers to the ability to see.

How does wind energy get from site of production to location of use?

due to temperature variations in the atmosphere(location to location)

What does Chevy mean?

Chevy stands for Chevrolet. It is a GM brand.The location Chevy Chase (Maryland) was named for an English location, the site of a battle in 1388. (The French word chevauchée means a border raid.)