"SUPERIOR CANAL DEHISCENCE" can cause you to hear your eyes move.
loss of hearing (from excessive exposer to extreme noise pollution) and bags under the eyes (from loss of sleep :P)
No. A person that hears a noise will generally move their whole head towards the noise or look upward (like Stevie Wonder) because they have no control of the eyeballs.
Noise for Your Eyes was created in 1998.
Laws that require protection from loud noise in the workplace have achieved substantial reduction in noise induced hearing loss.
Non, a hearing test involves EARS not eyes.
The lowest level of noise that can cause hearing loss is 85 dB. Prolonged exposure to noise at this level or higher can cause permanent damage to the tiny hair cells in the inner ear which are responsible for transmitting sound signals to the brain. In general any noise louder than 80 dB can cause hearing loss so it is important to protect your hearing when exposed to these levels of sound. Noise levels below 70 dB do not typically cause hearing loss. Noise levels between 70 and 85 dB can cause hearing loss with extended unprotected exposure. Noise levels above 85 dB can cause hearing loss with shorter unprotected exposure.It is important to be aware of the noise levels around you and to take steps to protect your hearing. If a noise is too loud wear hearing protection such as ear plugs or ear muffs. Additionally it is important to take regular breaks away from noise to allow your ears to rest.
Hearing can be negatively affected by prolonged exposure to noise levels above 85 decibels. This can lead to hearing loss over time. It is important to protect your ears from loud noise to prevent damage.
I think so if not I am guessing that it would have really good hearing so it coul move around.
Hearing. You can go deaf if the noise pollution is too loud.
The hearing protection chart provides information on the noise levels in different environments and recommends the appropriate type of hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs, based on the noise level.
Hearing pollution refers to excessive or harmful levels of noise that can impact human health. There is no specific "mean" of hearing pollution, as it can vary depending on the source and intensity of the noise. Noise levels are typically measured in decibels (dB) to assess the impact on hearing.
The eardrum can be destroyed.