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Q: What do you use to Cover Yourself When your Cold?
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Why people should wear fur?

fur coats are used to cover yourself from cold

lm cold what do i do?

find a blanket or 2 and cover yourself in a cozy spot.

Why people should wear fur coats?

fur coats are used to cover yourself from cold

What do you use to cover you at night if you are a peasant?

If you are a peasant you use a blanket to cover yourself at night, the same as anyone else.

What do you use earmuffs for?

To cover your ears so the don't get cold.

What is better Cold or hot?

Cold is better because you can cover up to keep yourself warm whereas hot it is harder to get cooler unless you carry around a portable fan.

What is enshroud and how do you use it in sentence?

Enshroud means 'cover' The bush was her enshroud. He used a coat as an enshroud to cover his cold body. Etc. =]

When was Cover Yourself created?

Cover Yourself was created on 2007-10-30.

Will you need an umbrella in Egypt?

Well you can get it and use it to cover yourself from the sun or when it rains.. Did i answer your question? I hope i did...

How can you protect yourself from exposure to different airborne viruses?

you can use the masks to cover mouth.. always use some clean clothes to cover the food items and eatables.. if it is possible then sterilize the air...

Cold dry climate with snow and ice cover?

Cold,dry climate with snow and ice cover


"Cover yourself from harsh sun" is not a correct sentence. A better sentence with proper structure might be "Cover yourself to protect from the harsh sun".