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No, you can have sex once and get pregnant sexually active only means that you do it on a regular basis like everyday or every other day meaning you do it more than the average couple or people who are in a relationship or not in a relationship. You can have sex ten times and get pregnant or twice or a million times it's based on when the eggs in ovulation when your body has a egg in waiting and you have sex and the sperm are strong you can be pregnant it doesn't really how many times you have sex.

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If the penis does not enter the vagina, but they still touch,(grinding) perm could enter the vagina and yes, you could be pregnant. It is higlhy unlikely, but anything is possible. Yes, if someone places a fertilized egg in your "woumb"

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It depends what you mean by not sexually active. No contact with a male at all? Or no intercourse, where maybe a little playing around got carried away.

If there has been no contact of any kind with a male, no pregnancy.

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Q: Do you have to have a menstrual cycle to get pregnant?
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Why is the menstrual cycle so important?

The menstrual cycle is where the woman release an egg. If the egg is fertilized, she will become pregnant and produce a child. The menstrual cycle is important for human reproduction.

What is the role of pregnancy on the menstrual cycle?

When you become pregnant, your menstrual cycle is delayed for next ten periods. That means you will not get menstrual bleeding till delivery.

Early menstrual cycle mean pregnancy?

If you were pregnant then you'd no longer have a menstrual cycle, if you don't understand that then you should in no way be having sex or sexually active to risk pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is your body preparing for possible pregnancy, when pregnant the cycle is shut down.

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What happens in the menstrual cycle if an egg is fertilized?

If the egg is fertilized and results in pregnancy then the menstrual cycle stops. The menstrual cycle exists to allow pregnancy to occur, so when pregnant no need for it to continue.

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Is it safe to have intercourse just after the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, unless a woman is pregnant or on hormonal birth control then during her reproductive years she is always in her menstrual cycle. A woman can have sex at any point in her menstrual cycle as long as she uses birth control.

How do you know you have gotten pregnant?

One way to know if you are pregnant is if you have missed your menstrual cycle.

Do antibiotics effect menstrualcycle?

They do not affect the menstrual cycle itself, however, they WILL affect your birth control (decreasing the effectiveness), which CAN effect your menstrual cycle. You can get pregnant or have changes in your menstrual cycle as if you had missed a week or so on your pills.

Which part of the menstrual cycle does the contraceptive pill affect?

The contraceptive pill effects the entire menstrual cycle. The pill suppresses the menstrual cycle in order to prevent ovulation so that you cannot fall pregnant if you were to have sex.