If you were pregnant then you'd no longer have a menstrual cycle, if you don't understand that then you should in no way be having sex or sexually active to risk pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is your body preparing for possible pregnancy, when pregnant the cycle is shut down.
you could be pregnant or fake pregnancy .(where your body thinks you are but your not)
It could mean that you are pregnant. If you have not settled into the normal 28 day cycle you could also be fine. Try a home pregnancy test.
Average menstrual cycle can mean one of two things:The typical menstrual cycle across all female humans: 28 days.The individuals average menstrual cycle, unique to them.
Tender breasts (when a woman's breasts feel sore or cause pain when touched), could indicate a number of things, including that a woman's menstrual cycle is about to begin. It can also be an early sign of pregnancy.
The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, so it's during your menstrual cycle that you would conceive - I think that you mean how long after menstruation can a child be conceived. This all depends on your cycle, ovulation typically occurs on day 14 but that's not the case for everyone - also remember that just because you conceive (egg fertilized by sperm) doesn't mean that you're gong to get pregnant or that the pregnancy will end in a child.
A normal woman's menstrual cycle lasts approximately 25 to 31 days. If your menstrual cycle comes early, it does not necessarily mean something is wrong, but that you may be faced with stress or hormonal fluctuations.
The menstrual cycle is the whole reproductive cycle, I think maybe you mean the menstrual phase. The first day of menstruation is day one of your menstrual cycle, ovulation typically occurs around 14 days into the menstrual cycle - although everyone is different.
It can mean two things:Your menstrual cycle is getting ready to beginYour menstrual cycle is ending
You mean the cervix? No.
No. In fact, the early symptoms of pregnancy are often confused for menstrual symptoms.
Yes, you can carry on your suppository treatment while you have your menstrual cycle. For the record menstrual cycle refers to the reproductive cycle, as long as you're ovulating/menstruating you are always going through your menstrual cycle, I think you mean menstruation.
you can't really say unless you undergo a pregnancy test because some women do have irregular menstrual cycle.