you could be pregnant or fake pregnancy .(where your body thinks you are but your not)
Average menstrual cycle can mean one of two things:The typical menstrual cycle across all female humans: 28 days.The individuals average menstrual cycle, unique to them.
Your menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle including ovulation and menstruation - I think you mean menstruation of five days, not menstrual cycle. Menstruation will vary from one cycle to the next, the explanation is no more complex then that your body is not a machine so it will never have the exact same cycle every single time.
The menstrual cycle is the whole reproductive cycle, I think maybe you mean the menstrual phase. The first day of menstruation is day one of your menstrual cycle, ovulation typically occurs around 14 days into the menstrual cycle - although everyone is different.
It can mean two things:Your menstrual cycle is getting ready to beginYour menstrual cycle is ending
You mean the cervix? No.
Yes, you can carry on your suppository treatment while you have your menstrual cycle. For the record menstrual cycle refers to the reproductive cycle, as long as you're ovulating/menstruating you are always going through your menstrual cycle, I think you mean menstruation.
Yes, of course you can eat eggs on your menstrual cycle.The menstrual cycle is the whole of the reproductive cycle, a fertile woman is always 'on' her menstrual cycle - I think you mean menstruating or on your period. There's no reason not to eat eggs at any point in your menstrual cycle, and nothing you can't do during menstruation.
It doesn't mean anything - although 28 days is the average menstrual cycle length, everyone is different so we all have different menstrual cycle lengths.
Menstrual cycle means your reproductive cycle, your menstrual cycle should be around 30 days. If you mean that you've been menstruating for 30 days then you need to go see your doctor.
The menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle, I think that you mean menstruation/period. Gymnasts do the same as every other girl, just use a pad, tampon, or menstrual cup.
The menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle - I think you mean during menstruation.Yes, a woman can practice yoga during menstruation, in fact some poses can be very beneficial to menstrual health and ease menstrual cramps.
theyre in their menstrual cycle