Okay the best thing to do is flirt!!! Don't do the Stupid perverted flirting (grabbing his butt, penis etc). Do the traditional twirl your hair etc. Just basically show an interest. Get to know him. One thing to keep in mind is, DO NOT get your friend to tell him you like him!! This tends to turn guys off, like you do not really like them.
Tell him that you really like him.
To make a guy like you, you have to be yourself. If you are not yourself than he will never see the real you. You could also drop hints and make sure that you talk to him.
Well if he's your best guy friend he has to know that you like him! I don't think you should try and get him to like you,just be yourself and drop little hints here and there.
Just hang out with the kid, get to know him, it'll happen.
You can drop subtle hints, or you can tell him how you feel by saying that you like him, but in a husky voice. Body language works too!
Drop a few hints, flirt a little.. and if all else fails.. just let him know you like him
Depends: If you are close with the guy: Maybe, don't jump the gun. If you like him, drop hints. If you are not close: Probably. In fact, if he's been smiling at you, then yes.
You get a guy to ask you out by leaving him hints here and there and sooner or later he will recognize your hints. I won't promise you he will like you back though.
How much older? How old are you?,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pretty much just act like you like them, they will get the point. Just be yourself and you will automatically drop hints without knowing it.
drop little hints or if your to scared and your pretty good friends with one of the guys friends ask them to find out or if he talks about you
I'm sure he already knows. But, you can try talkig to him. Maybe he likes you too, but is to shy to say so.